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Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing of Cirrus Clouds in the Central Amazon Forest

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Título: Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing of Cirrus Clouds in the Central Amazon Forest

Ponente: Dr. Henrique Barbosa, Investigador del Instituto de Física de la Universidad de Sao Paulo.

Lugar: Sala de Conferencias del Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación del Sistema Tierra en Andalucía

Día y hora: viernes 18 de octubre de 2018, a las 13:00

Cirrus clouds cover a large fraction of tropical latitudes and play an important role in Earth’s radiation budget. Despite their importance, studies reporting cirrus properties over tropical rain forests are scarce. In this talk, I will discuss 1 year of ground-based lidar observations of Cirrus clouds in the central Amazon forest, Brazil. From this comprehensive statistics of optical and geometrical properties, we calculated the cirrus radiative forcing (CRF) and heating rates profiles computed using a radiative transfer model. I will compare these results with those in tropical and subtropical regions, and discuss future perspectives.

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