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The scientific objectives of the IISTA are summarized in:

1. Consolidation of the IISTA as a research unit focused on solving Earth System problems through a multidisciplinary approach.

2. Consolidation of the figure of the IISTA as a relevant research center in the national and international framework.

3. Consolidation of the role of the IISTA in the training of researchers capable of addressing the Earth System in a multidisciplinary way.

4. Study the problems of the Earth System with special relevance in the Mediterranean region.

To achieve these objectives, the Scientific Unit is organized around the following three strategic lines of research according to the most relevant areas of research in the context of the Earth System on a regional, national and international scale:

Observation and monitoring of the Earth System

It contains all those activities that involve methods of structural and functional characterization of the Earth System. Much of the IISTA's physical infrastructure is aimed at capturing information of this nature.

Simulation of the Earth System and quantification of ecosystem services

The data collected under the previous strategic line are used to generate models that simulate the behavior (processes and evolution) of the three rings that constitute the Earth System: Atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.


Environmental decision-making support systems

This last line of strategic research collects the data and knowledge generated by the previous ones to make them available to environmental managers in the form of tools that help the decision-making process. This is a line that promotes the transfer of knowledge between science and management.

The Unit includes a large number of researchers in training and aims, through this call, to increase the capacity to attract talent at the local, regional, national and international level and thus train young scientists committed to science in the context of the Earth System. .

The Research carried out by the Unit in the field of the Earth System: atmosphere, hydrosphere and earth’s crust and its ecosystems, has an implication in socioeconomic and environmental developments, so it is essential to promote its transfer to public administrations, organizations and public companies. and private. Being a priority the interaction with the different agents, carrying out quality research, promoting its transfer to the productive sector and committing to the modernization of human resources and the tools of the Andalusian administration.