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Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations

Se invita a toda la comunidad universitaria al siguiente seminario: Título: Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations Ponente: Elena Bazo, investigadora de… 

Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations

Se invita a toda la comunidad universitaria al siguiente seminario: Título: Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations Ponente: Elena Bazo, investigadora de… 

Spatial distribution of aerosol particles in and above the planetary boundary layer studied by scanning LIDAR measurements

Se invita a toda la comunidad universitaria al siguiente seminario: Título:  Spatial distribution of aerosol particles in and above the planetary boundary layer studied by scanning LIDAR measurements Ponente: Hengheng Zheng, Department Atmospheric… 

Potential distant and local sources of airborne pollen in a high-altitude mountain site (Sierra Nevada National Park, Spain)

Se invita a toda la comunidad universitaria al siguiente seminario: Título: Potential distant and local sources of airborne pollen in a high-altitude mountain site (Sierra Nevada National Park, Spain) Ponente: Soledad Ruiz…