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UGR Services

Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Service Charter

  • Wind Tunnel Testing, including test execution, data analysis and reporting:
    • Studies of the response of wind action on structures: buildings, bridges, cooling towers, soccer stadium roofs, port cranes, solar panels…
    • Aeolian sediment transport. Study of dune formation and movement.
    • Studies in wind energy systems.
    • Local wind studies in urban and natural topographies. Urban climate – urban planning.
    • Dispersion and concentration of pollutants in the environment.
    • Studies in nautical systems.
    • Pedestrian comfort.
    • Equipment calibration.
  • Channel and surge tank tests, including test execution, data analysis and reporting:
    • Study of the response of structures to waves and currents: breakwaters, jetties and piers, offshore platforms…
    • Study of wave energy systems.
    • Sediment transport due to waves and currents. Movement of bars.
    • Plan response study of a port area.
    • Analysis of the behavior of a moored vessel.
    • Equipment calibration.

For this purpose, the following instruments, among others, are available:

  • Laser velocimetry by particle imaging PIV V3V TSI: Allows to describe not only the velocity at a single point but over a whole area or volume of measurement by high-speed imaging of the flow illuminated with a laser beam. For tests in air and water.
  • LDV TSI laser doppler anemometry: this system is capable of measuring two velocity components of air or water into which micro-particles have been injected at a certain distance, without introducing any disturbance at the point of measurement.
  • TSI hot wire anemometry: measures one, two or all three wind speed components at a point with high accuracy allowing to obtain a good description of the turbulence. Six hot-wire probes are available, three of them single, two double and one triple.
  • High-speed camera for the study of high-frequency vibrations, wave breaking, bubble formation, spray…
  • Multipoint electronic pressure measurement system: it offers the possibility of simultaneously measuring, by means of microtubes housed in the models, the pressures at a large number of points on the surface of the model. Two pressure measurement systems are available.
  • Load cells for measuring forces and moments: located at the base of the model, they allow measuring the forces and moments that the wind load exerts on the structure. Two cells of different measuring range are available.
  • Accelerometers and uniaxial load cells.
  • Three-dimensional automatic positioning system: with which programmed movement in three dimensions is possible, controlled from the central computer of the systems described above.
  • Doppler velocity profiler in water, which simultaneously measures the velocity of the water column at up to 2,000 points.
  • Resistive and acoustic level sensors for measuring the free surface of water.
  • Pressure sensors for measuring the pressure exerted by waves on structures.
  • Laser distancemeter for motion evaluation of floating structures.
  • Acoustic bottom profiler for sediment movement evaluation.
  • Moored ship motion monitoring system, including laser for motion analysis, mooring force sensors and fender force sensors.

Contact Person:

María Clavero Gilabert     Telf.: 958.249734


Terrestrial Ecology Laboratory

CNS Laboratory Service Charter


–         Basis

It provides the total content of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur present in a wide range of samples of organic and inorganic nature both solid and liquid. The analysis technique is based on the complete and instantaneous combustion of the sample (DUMAS Direct Combustion Method) in an atmosphere of pure oxygen at 950-1400 ºC. The C, N and S are transformed by this combustion to CO2, N2 and SO2. These gases are then carried by a carrier gas (He) to individual infrared cells for CO2 and SO2 (interference-free measurement is ensured since it is performed at the same time as the combustion takes place). These gases are removed and N2 is measured by differential thermoconductivity. They are then processed taking into account the weight of the sample and the data obtained from a standard. With this, the percentage of each element to be determined contained in the sample is obtained.

–         Applications

With this equipment it is possible to perform carbon, nitrogen and sulfur analysis with macro sample size, i.e., with sample amounts ranging from 50 mg to 500 mg approx., in a wide variety of organic samples such as organic synthesis substances, foliar, vegetable, soil, sludge, sludge, coal, human or animal food products, animal feed, flour and liquids such as beer, milk and its derivatives, juices, fertilizers, oils, etc.
Thus, the amount of sample that can be brought to the service can be greater than that of an equipment that requires micro-sample and also its homogenization does not have to be so exhaustive. Analysis of solids and liquids containing more than 200 ppm of these elements can be performed.



–         Basis

Determines the total inorganic carbon (TIC) content of solid samples. The equipment works with an acid solution that transforms all the inorganic carbon contained in the sample into CO2. The carbon dioxide generated is transported by an inert gas to a coulometric detector where it is quantified and is insensitive to organic carbon.

 –         Applications

This equipment can be used to measure carbonates and bicarbonates in soils, rocks, sediments, coal, ceramic powders…



–         Basis

It determines the content of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in a dissolved or water sample, which the equipment performs as the difference between total carbon and inorganic carbon. It is based on the principle of oxidation by catalytic combustion at 680 ºC. The sample is introduced through an injection system into the combustion tube where it is oxidized to form carbon dioxide which subsequently passes through the non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detection cell. This detector creates a signal forming a peak and then a processor calculates its area. This is related to a calibration curve previously made with a standard solution and we obtain the total carbon.

Inorganic carbon is determined by acidifying the sample so that only carbonates and bicarbonates are transformed to CO2 which are then detected by NDIR. The total organic carbon concentration is determined by the difference between total and inorganic carbon.

Total nitrogen is determined simultaneously with total organic carbon. The sample is introduced and thermally decomposed to nitrogen monoxide. This is detected by chemiluminescence which creates a signal forming a peak and then a processor calculates its area. This is related to a calibration curve previously made with a standard solution and we obtain the total nitrogen.

–         Applications

TC, IC, TOC and TN analysis can be performed on liquid samples (water, soil extracts,…).

Measuring range: 0- 25000 mg/L TC; 0-3000 mg/L IC; 0-4000 mg/L TN.


–         Basis

Determines by thermogravimetry the Moisture, Ash, LOI (loss on ignition) and Volatiles in organic, inorganic and synthetic samples. Uses AOAC, AACC, AOCS approved method. Complies with FDA regulation 21 CFR Part 11. Excellent accuracy: built-in balance with 0.0001 g resolution. Delivers results once constant weight is reached, avoiding rehydration. It fulfills the functions of four equipments at the same time: Oven, Mufla, Balance and Desiccator.

  • Working temperature up to 1000ºC.
  • Selectable working atmospheres – N2, O2 or air.
  • Sample size from 0.5 to 5 g.

–         Applications

This equipment is used in food in general, meats, flours, fish, seeds, soils, sediments, catalysts, coals, etc.

It also has, among others, the following instrumentation:

  • 5 Libelium sensory devices. A network of sensors capable of measuring various environmental variables. They also have a small solar panel that provides autonomy.
  • 10 Ardusense sensory devices (self-made). It is a sensory network designed by the team members that allows taking data on temperature, humidity, luminosity, etc., almost in real time.
  • Camera for NDVI calculation. This camera is designed to take periodic images of vegetation and quantify vegetation activity by calculating vegetation indices (NDVI).

Contact Person:

Regino Zamora Rodríguez     Email:     Telf.: 958.243242


Atmospheric Physics Laboratory

Service Charter

The Atmospheric Physics Laboratory provides the following services:

  • Services related to remote sensing radiation research (including data analysis and reporting):
    • Evaluation of solar energy resources.
    • Study of the energy balance of ecosystems and buildings.
    • Report on cooling systems by natural methods.
    • Real-time determination of the UVI index (spectral ultraviolet solar radiation and UVB solar radiation).
    • Study of the effects of UV radiation on the population and on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
  • Services related to remote sensing research (including data analysis and reporting):
    • Solar energy resource management based on the optical characterization of particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere.
    • Evaluation of the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants from measurements of the vertical distribution of temperature, humidity and suspended atmospheric particles.
  • Services related to research with in-situ instrumentation (including data analysis and reporting):
    • Air quality characterization and indoor air quality.
    • Measurement and analysis of suspended particulate matter concentration with size segregation PM1, PM2.5, PM10.of air quality and indoor air quality.
    • Sampling and chemical characterization of suspended particles with size segregation PM1, PM2.5, PM10.
    • Air pollution studies with analysis and attribution of sources of suspended particulate matter.
    • Measurement and analysis of suspended particle size distribution covering the nanometer and micrometer particle range.
    • Measurement and analysis of optical effects of suspended particles with climatic and environmental applications.
    • Preparation of air quality reports according to European Union regulations.
  • Study and measurement of carbon dioxide and methane exchanges in terrestrial ecosystems through specific campaigns with field instrumentation:
    • Energy balance studies in terrestrial ecosystems.
    • Study of water vapor exchanges in terrestrial ecosystems.
    • Analysis of carbon dioxide sources and sinks.
    • Measurement and characterization of methane exchanges in terrestrial ecosystems.
    • Consulting, installation and maintenance of Eddy Covariance systems for the measurement of greenhouse gases.
    • Calibrations of different models of CO2 and CH4 IRGAs.
    • Custom fabrication of plant-scale gas exchange chambers for different types of vegetation.
    • Greenhouse gas exchange data processing.

For this purpose, the following instruments, among others, are available:

  • Integrating nephelometer TSI 3563: allows the measurement of the total dispersion and backscattering coefficient of atmospheric aerosol particles at three wavelengths, 450, 550 and 700 nm.
  • Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP, Thermo): allows the determination of the absorption coefficient of atmospheric aerosol particles at the wavelength of 637 nm and the concentration of soot particles.
  • Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP): this instrument allows the determination of the absorption coefficient of aerosols at three wavelengths, 467, 530 and 660 nm.
  • Aethalometer (Magee Scientific): allows the measurement of the absorption coefficient of atmospheric aerosol particles at seven wavelengths 370, 450, 571, 571, 615, 660, 880 and 950 nm.
  • Aerodynamic Particle size Spectrometer (APS 3321, TSI): this spectrometer allows measurement of the particle size distribution of atmospheric aerosol particles in the range 0.5-20 μm.
  • High volume samplers with PM10 and PM1 cut-offs: they allow the determination of the mass concentration of suspended particles by collecting samples on filters and gravimetric determination in the laboratory. The filters are subjected to different chemical procedures to obtain the mass concentrations of the majority and trace elements.
  • DustTrak DRX (TSI): allows the simultaneous and real-time measurement of the mass concentration of particulate matter in the PM1, PM2.5, respirable, PM10 and TPM fractions. This instrument combines a photometric measurement that is proportional to the mass concentration and a measurement of each individual pulse to determine the number of particles.
  • Ultrafine Particle Monitor (UFP-3031, TSI): this instrument allows the determination of the numerical size distribution and concentration of fine and ultrafine particles in the range 20-450 nm in six resolution channels (20-30, 30-50, 50-70, 70-100, 100-200 and >200 nm). Upon entering the instrument, the particles are positively charged in the ionization chamber and then pass to the DMA (Differential Mobility Analyzer) where they are separated into different sizes according to their electrical mobility. Finally, the aerosol is detected with an electrometer.
  • CIMEL CE-138 sun photometer: measures direct solar irradiance at wavelengths 340, 380, 440, 440, 550, 670, 870 and 1020 nm; sky radiance in the almucantar plane and in the main plane at wavelengths 440, 670, 870 and 1020 nm. These measurements allow us to determine the optical depth of atmospheric aerosol at 340, 380, 440, 550, 670, 870 and 1020 nm, the water vapor content, the effective size distribution of atmospheric aerosol in the atmospheric column, as well as the effective values of the single scattering albedo and the asymmetry factor at 440, 670, 870 and 1020 nm.
  • Raman lidar (LR331D400, Raymetrics): this instrument, based on a pulsed Nd: YAG laser source, allows to determine profiles of aerosol backscattering coefficient at 355, 532 and 1064 nm (day and night operation), aerosol extinction coefficient at 355 and 532 nm (night operation), depolarization ratio at 532 nm (to discriminate aerosol particle sphericity and cloud thermodynamic phase in day and night operation) and water vapor mixing ratio (night operation) in the zenith direction.
  • Cloud chamber: determines cloud cover in octants, percentage of clouds, percentage of thin or forming clouds, distribution of clouds in the sky (percentage in octants of sky) and regularity of cloud cover.
  • Bentham DMC-150 Spectroradiometer: measures global, diffuse and direct spectral irradiance in the solar ultraviolet range.
  • Stellar Photometer: measures direct irradiances of stars at wavelengths of 380, 436, 500, 670, 880 and 1020 nm, used to obtain the optical depth of atmospheric aerosol particles. It also measures direct irradiance at 940 nm to obtain the precipitable water content.
  • Scanning lidar Raman (LR111-ESS-D200, Raymetrics): this instrument, based on a pulsed Nd: YAG laser source, allows determining aerosol backscattering coefficient (day and night operation), aerosol extinction coefficient (night operation) and depolarization ratio profiles (to discriminate aerosol particle sphericity and cloud thermodynamic phase in day and night operation) at 355 nm from backscattered radiation at any zenith and azimuthal angle.
  • Microwave Radiometer RPG-HATPRO G2: by means of atmospheric brightness temperature measurements allows the determination of humidity and temperature profiles in the troposphere at very short time intervals with full vertical and azimuthal positioning system. Determination of liquid water and tropospheric water vapor content.
  • Atmospheric radiosonde equipment GRAW GRS-KD-0025: Thermodynamic sounding of the atmosphere by launching an instrumented balloon, including the possibility of ozone sounding.
  • Eddy-Covariance Towers: Systems for measuring turbulent flow exchanges of water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane.
  • Energy balance measurement stations: Combination of radiometric sensors and soil flow and moisture measurement systems for the determination of energy balance components of terrestrial ecosystems.

Contact Person:

Lucas Alados Arboledas     Email:     Telf.: 958.249749