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UCO Services

Hydrology Laboratory


The equipment is distributed among these three locations, depending on its intended use:

  • Rabanales Campus Laboratory
    1. For the determination of physical-chemical parameters of water and soils we have the following instrumentation:
      • High resolution liquid chromatograph with several detectors allows the determination of anions, cations and organic compounds.
      • UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.
      • pH, conductivity and ion selective electrodes.
      • Turbidimeter
      • Infiltrometers
      • Pressure plates
      • Humidity meters
      • Stoves
      • Thermometers
      • Particle size analyzers
      • Analytical balances
    2. The instrumentation for water quality data collection in field campaigns includes:
      • Multiparameter probes for measuring turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity, redox potential and concentration of some nutrients.
      • Flow meters.
      • Multimeters to determine pH, temperature, conductivity and estimate the amount of total dissolved solids present in the samples.


  • Guadalfeo network and other instruments installed in the field:
    • 4 Campbell Scientific weather stations remotely accessible by modem.
    • Autosampler in the main channel of the Guadalfeo river for the determination of suspended solids.
    • Several cameras to collect images on the evolution of the snow cover.