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Study of carbon and water balances in managed ecosystems for adaptation to climate change (ELEMENTAL)

The entire university community is invited to the following seminar:

Title: Study of carbon and water baLances in gEstioNed EcosystemS for their adapTaTion to climate change (ELEMENTAL).

Speaker: Dr. Penélope Serrano Ortiz, Professor at the University of Granada.

Location: Conference Room of the Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA)

Day and time: Friday, May 17, 2019, at 13:00.


In the context of climate change, agricultural and forestry management practices aimed at increasing CO2 sequestration and optimizing water use efficiency become highly relevant in drought-prone Mediterranean ecosystems (central-southern Spain). On the other hand, high O3 concentration levels have a negative impact, but of uncertain magnitude, on productivity, CO2 uptake and water use. Improved understanding and modeling of O3 deposition is crucial. CO2, H2O and O3 exchanges between atmosphere and vegetation are intrinsically related in these ecosystems, because water stress leads to stomatal regulation simultaneously affecting these ecosystems.
The project coordinates 3 subprojects that combine extensive experience in research on gas and energy exchange at the biosphere-atmosphere interface using the eddy covariance technique (flux towers). Subproject 1 is an expert in CO2 exchanges and characterization of the biosphere-atmosphere interface using the eddy covariance technique.

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