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PhD programs

Interuniversity Doctorate Program Biogeochemical Flow Dynamics and its Applications


The program is taught jointly by the Universities of Granada (coordinator), Cordoba and Malaga. UGR-UCO-UMA Agreement.

The lines of research proposed by the teams of the three participating universities focus on the study of biogeochemical fluxes of the planetary boundary layer, rivers, reservoirs, transitional and oceanic waters and the integrated management of resources related to these fluxes.

All of them are approached in a specialized way, but from a multidisciplinary perspective, analyzing and taking into account:

  • The environmental implications in aspects such as water quality, population dynamics, or erosive processes.
  • The socio-economic implications in terms of safety, reliability and operability of the infrastructures necessary for their management.
  • The randomness that biogeochemical processes inherit from forcing agents, i.e. limiting uncertainty and analyzing risk.
  • The evidence of climate variability.

Doctoral Program in Physics and Space Sciences


The main objective is that students who decide to pursue these postgraduate studies will find their main aspiration satisfied: to acquire knowledge and skills of the highest academic level in any of the fields of Physics.

The set of proposed lines of research is sufficiently broad to ensure that the student will find a field that is closest to his or her interests, vocation or academic and career aspirations. He will indeed be able to carry out research activities and eventually obtain his PhD degree in areas ranging from galactic, stellar or planetary astrophysics to nanostructures used as sensors or memory elements. You can find lines that are usually included as part of Classical Physics (optics or fluid mechanics) and others related to Particle Physics, or Nuclear Physics.

Interuniversity Doctorate Program in Fluid Mechanics


This is an interuniversity doctoral program in which the following institutions participate: Universities of Jaén (coordinator), University Carlos III of Madrid, National Distance Education University, Technical University of Madrid, University of Rovira i Virgili, and University of Zaragoza.

This program seeks, firstly, to assemble a multidisciplinary team in Fluid Mechanics, of sufficient size to effectively address the study of a broad spectrum of fluid-dynamic problems and to initiate collaboration with industrial sectors on strategic issues, with a medium/long term horizon. Secondly, it seeks to nucleate the formation of a scientific community in Fluid Mechanics, of sufficient quality and size to have a qualitative impact on the Spanish science-technology system. The doctoral program will include organizational and knowledge transfer activities, which will be carried out in coordination with research and development activities. The aim is to train scientists and technologists capable of promoting university-industry collaboration (one of the major shortcomings of the Spanish science/technology system), and of attracting scientists from related fields to this field to facilitate the formation of interdisciplinary groups that can undertake new programs for the creation of knowledge and collaboration with industry.

Theses supervised

IISTA’s training capacity is also evidenced by the number of Doctoral Theses directed during the period 2017-2020. Some of the new PhDs trained at IISTA are detailed below.


  • María del Pilar Plaza García. Polen aerovagante y alérgenos mayoritarios de olivo y gramíneas en la atmósfera de Córdoba.
  • Rafael J. Bergillos Meca. Multi-Scale dynamics of mixed sand and gravel deltaic coasts (In collaboration with Plymouth University).
  • Clara Arbizu Barrena. Combining MSG cloud estimates and the WRF NWP model dynamic to enhance short-term solar radiation forecasting.
  • Alfonso Jiménez Robles. Numerical modeling of hydro-morphodynamics in fluvial/tide-dominated coastal environments: From the tidal channel to the inner shelf.
  • Inmaculada Cancio Guillén. Efectos de la pérdida y degradación de hábitat en el servicio de dispersión y regeneración de Ziziphus Lotus, especie clave en los ecosistemas semiáridos del sureste de la Península Ibérica.
  • Pedro Folgueras Rodríguez. Estudio sobre la combinación de variables geofísicas extremas en la definición de criterios de diseño.
  • Encarnación Medina (2017). Thermodynamic Processes Involved in Wave Energy Extraction (based at University of Edinburgh)


  • Encarnación Medina López. Thermodynamic processes involved in wave energy extraction (International Doctorate).
  • Gregori Arruda Moreira. Studying the planetary boundary layer from remote sensing systems (International Doctorate, cotutela USP Brasil).
  • Matilde García-Valdecasas Ojeda. Climate-change projections in the Iberian Península: a study on the hydrological impacts (International Doctorate, Thesis Award).


  • José Antonio Benavent Oltra. Synergetic use of active and passive remote sensing techniques to retrieve vertical profiles of atmospheric aerosol properties during day- and night-time (International Doctorate).
  • Andrés Bedoya. Crecimiento Higroscópico del Aerosol Atmosférico: Aproximación Mediante Teledetección (Cotutelage National University of Colombia).
  • Pablo Ortiz Amezcua. Atmospheric profiling based on aerosol and Doppler lidar (International Doctorate).
  • Francisco Javier Rodríguez Benítez. Improvements of short-term solar radiation forecasting techniques based on satellite and sky-camera imagery (International Doctorate).
  • Jesús Cebrino Cruz. Análisis fenológico y aerobiológico de la familia Poaceae. Estudio de su incidencia en la población humana.
  • María José Pérez Palazón. Análisis de tendencias en los flujos de agua y energía de la capa de nieve a diversas escalas en Sierra Nevada.
  • Moisés Martínez Bracero. Estudio aerobiológico y fenológico de viñedos de la denominación de origen Montilla-Moriles.
  • Pilar Díaz Carrasco. Water-wave interaction with mound breakwatersfrom the seabed to the armor layer.
  • Andrea Lira Loarca. Experimental and analytical study of the hydrodynamics of swell and sea waves with partially reflective structures (International Doctorate, cotutelage Universitá di Parma).
  • Manuel Lorite Diez. Análisis y diseño de dispositivos para la mejora aerodinámica de cuerpos romos (International Doctorate).
  • Javier Ruiz Rus. Generación controlada de burbujas y estudio de su dinámica colectiva (International Doctorate).
  • Ana González Robles. Disrupción de los mutualismos planta-polinizador de Ziziphus lotus (L) Lam por pérdida de hábitat y degradación del paisaje: Consecuencias para el flujo génico y la conservación de sus poblaciones en el sureste semiárido de España (International Doctorate).
  • Fabio Adonna. Swell and wind-waves interaction under partial reflection conditions (International Doctorate, cotutela Università degli Studi di Parma).


  • Sandra Paola Viaña. Teledetección en sistemas costeros: Detección de la línea de costa en morfologías deltaicas.
  • Manuel Cobos Budía. A model to study the consequences of human actions in the Guadalquivir River Estuary.
  • Juan del Rosal Salido. Global warming impact on transitional coastal environments: a methodology for knowledge-based management and decision making.
  • Luisa Martínez Martínez. Análisis de la variación genética, respuesta funcional y expresión génica frente a diferentes tipos de estrés en el complejo de Ploidía Brachypodium Distachyon (Poaceae). (International Doctorate).


  • Pedro Jesús Gómez Giráldez. Integration of remote sensing images in the development of environmental indicators in Mediterranean basins. Application for monitoring water status and productivity (International Doctorate).
  • Alba Lázaro Gonzalez. Mistletoes as keystone species in pine woodlandsExploring the ecological consequences of a new interaction cocktail (International Doctorate).
  • Joaquín Duque-Lazo. Application of spatial analysis techniques to conservation and restoration of Mediterranean Quercus under future climate change scenarios (International Doctorate).
  • Verónica Loewe Muñoz. Caracterización de la variabilidad, crecimiento y producción del pino piñonero (Pinus pinea L.) en Chile en función del clima y de algunas prácticas silviculturales (INFOR-Chile, IUFRO International Doctoral Thesis Award).
  • Francisco Ruiz Gómez. Study of the interaction between root rot oomycetes and Quercus ilex L. (International Doctorate, National Prize for Doctoral Thesis Spanish Society of Forest Sciences).
  • Reyes Siles Ajamil. Evaluation of Management Scenarios using a Linear Tidal Model in the Guadalquivir Estuary.
  • María Jiménez Portaz. Alteration of atmospheric-earth exchanges in the presence of wind turbine fields.
  • María Victoria Moragues. Assessment of the joint probability of failure in breakwaters: application to the investment project.


  • Carlos Rivas Cobo. Remote sensing and geographic information systems applied to the monitoring of deforestation processes in dry forests in Ecuador.
  • Antonio J. Perea Martos. Specificity of adult-juvenile interactions during woody plant recruitment: complementarity of functional traits and plant-antagonist interactions.
  • María Suarez Muñoz. Simulation of global change impacts on Mediterranean pine forests: from knowledge- to process-based models.
  • Ricardo Moreno Llorca. ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits Through Earth Observations.
  • Carlos García Baena. Aerodynamic improvement of blunt bodies through flexible device.
  • Franziska Zemmer. Istanbul Pollen Allergen Sensitization Study (Co-tutored, University of Gotenburg, Sweden).
  • Clément Jean René Lopez. Dryland Soil-Atmosphere Co2 Exchange Associated to Microclimate and Geochemistry Over a Biocrusts Succession.


  • Fernando Rejano Martínez. Activation properties of particles as cloud condensation nuclei..
  • Patricio Yeste Donaire. Hydrological Modelling and Its Application to the Study of The Impacts of Climate Change in the Spanish Catchments.
  • Francisco Moral Pulido. Characterization of the cerebrospinal fluid flow in the spinal subarachnoid space.