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Mapping soil misture

TRAINING NETWORK COURSE: “Mapping soil moisture: measurement, monitoring and modelling from the plot scale to the regional water budget”

Organize International Doctoral School eidA3, CeiA3
Recipients Higher graduates, national and approved foreigners, related to the objectives of the course. Possession of an official Master’s degree will be positively valued.
Professors Dr. María José Polo Gómez
Dr. María Cristina Aguilar Porro
Dr. Javier Herrero Lantarón
Dr. Agustín Millares Valenzuela
Dr. Rafael Pimentel Leiva
Dr. Alicia Jurado López
Dr. Rafael Muñoz Carpena
Dr. Claudia Notarnicola
Dr. Nilda Sánchez Martín
Dr. Z Bob SU
Dr. María Patrocinio González Dugo
Date October 5-9, 2015
Schedule 9.00-18.00
Location Leonardo da Vinci Building. Rabanales Campus

Ctra. Madrid, km. 396. 14071 – Córdoba

No. of places 20
Total hours 41,5
Description and Contents The general objective of this course is to offer the current state of knowledge in this field of study, both in the different sources of surface data and in the acquisition and assimilation techniques in hydrological/agricultural models, also showing recent experiences by groups of international prestige.
Module I. Introduction
Module II. Quantifying soil moisture from measurement and modeling
Module III. Remote sensing data for soil moisture mapping
Module IV. Applications: Integrating measurements and models over agricultural areas and regional scales.
Competencies In this course the student will be provided with tools to analyze the influence of soil moisture on different agronomic and hydrological processes.


Control procedure – Assistance (10%)
– Evaluation of practical work sessions in class (25%)
– Participation in the open discussion of each daily session (10%)
– Self-assessment results in Moodle (specific content test) (25%)
– Evaluation of the final report to be delivered on the script provided, in Moodle, after the completion of the course (30%)
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