The Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction group of the Universities of Jaen and Granada (MEFLUIFE) has experimental facilities equipped with two wind tunnels (0.5 x 0.5 m2 test section and maximum speed of 30 m/s), a hydrodynamic flume (0.45 x 0.45 m2 test section and maximum speed of 0.6 m/s), a drag tank (2 m stroke, 0 6 x 0.6 m2 test section and maximum speed of 0.7 m/s), four high-speed cameras (e.g., Photron FastCam, up to 650. 000 fps and a high-speed camera capable of acquiring images at 2,000,000 fps) and a wide variety of optical devices, as well as various laser measurement techniques (2DPIV, LDV) and hot-wire anemometry. The group has recently complemented its infrastructures with the acquisition of new instrumentation based on high-performance image analysis, consisting of a stereo PIV system and two high-resolution 64 megapixel cameras. In addition, there are three clusters and a workstation, totaling more than 500 computational cores and 70Tb of storage, which will enable the necessary numerical studies to be carried out. The cluster is also equipped with very sophisticated manufacturing machines, such as a five-axis machining center or a waterjet cutting machine.
Contact Person:
Carlos Martínez Bazán Email: cmbazan@ugr.es Telf.: 958.241000 / 958.240775