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AGORA Aerosol Training Course on Characterization of atmospheric aerosol using in-situ and remote sensing techniques

  • Courses

This training on Characterization of atmospheric aerosol using in-situ and remote sensing techniques will be held at the Andalusian Global ObseRvatory of the Atmosphere, Granada, Spain, from June 12-17, 2023. The call is… 

Spatial distribution of aerosol particles in and above the planetary boundary layer studied by scanning LIDAR measurements

The entire university community is invited to the following seminar: Title: Spatial distribution of aerosol particles in and above the planetary boundary layer studied by scanning LIDAR measurements. Speaker: Hengheng… 

Preliminary results: Evaluation of aerosols using satellite, model and ground-based data over Granada and Sierra Nevada

The entire university community is invited to the following seminar: Title: Preliminary results: Evaluation of aerosols using satellite, model and ground-based data over Granada and Sierra Nevada. Speaker: Ana del…