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International specialists will debate intelligent water management at the 39th IAHR world congress organized by the UGR

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The University of Granada organizes the 39th edition of the world congress of the International Association of Hydro-environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR). The opening ceremony will be held on Monday,… 

Biomass burning particles observed by lidar techniques: Comparison of the aerosol optical and microphysical properties between Athens and Granada sites

The entire university community is invited to the following seminar: Title: Biomass burning particles observed by lidar techniques: Comparison of the aerosol optical and microphysical properties between Athens and Granada… 

Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations

The entire university community is invited to the following seminar: Title: Evaluation of the aerosol radiative effects based on GAME model and GRASPpac retrievals applied to AERONET/ICENET stations. Speaker: Elena…